Thursday, August 30, 2007

EDM Challenge # 3 -- Purses, Wallets, or Bags.

Y bueno...casi que no subo el segundo reto. Es dibujar o "Carteras, billeteras, o maletas". Yo elegí mi billetera. Una Benetton muy bonita que compré en 2002, cuando tenía novia y era ciudadanos normal. Yo me sentía raro con una billetera elegante siendo que...siempre he pensado lo mismo que con los relojes y con los teléfonos celulares: para qué tener algo que va más allá de su función básica? En que se diferencia un reloj de 2'000.000 de pesos a uno de 5000 si ambos a la larga dan la misma hora? Pero en fín...cuando sea hora de relojes hablaré de relojes.

Una billetera es parecida a los zapatos. En el sentido que cargan la vida de uno y andan con uno a todas partes. Uno cambia de ropa, cambia incluso de zapatos a diario...pero la billetera anda ahí...el símbolo del capitalismo en su más clara expresión. Como que la billetera vacía no tiene razón de ser...pero a uno le meten la ilusión con los bolsillitos y funditas de que entonces es no solo billetera sino "documentera". Y que más allá de tenerla con plata, tiene otras funciones.

En realidad creo que lo de billetera es ya de por sí obsoleto...debería ser algo así como "tarjetera".

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

EDM # 1 - "Draw a Shoe" / Dibuje un Zapato

No había otra forma de comenzar el EDM Challenge (que traduce "Everyday matters", o "Cuestiones de todos los días"). Hay que comenzar por dibujar los zapatos, esos compañeros incansables que siempre han andado con uno y que, al igual que las manos, si hablaran podrían contar un millón de historias. Algunos piensan aquello de "Dime que zapatos tienes y te diré quien eres". Yo la verdad no estoy seguro. He conocido seres increibles que han caminado bajo zapatos que tienen en proporción una cantidad de huellas y marcas proporcional a las que tienen sus manos. Y generalmente cuando uno se va a la cama...o cuando quiere descansar, lo primero que uno se quita son los zapatos. No es paradójico eso? Lo que nos transporta es a la vez lo primero que nos quitamos. Pero bueno...así son las cosas. Y este dibujo me demostró que dibujar un zapato era más dificil de lo que yo creía.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

EDM Challenge - List

1 - Draw a shoe
2 - Draw a desk lamp or other lamp
3 - Purses, Wallets or Bags
4 - Draw your mug or cup
5 - Draw your bed
6 - Draw your favorite well-loved object … or a childhood toy
7 - Draw a bottle, jar or tin from the kitchen
8 - Draw your watch or other piece of jewelry
9 - Draw a bit of “organized chaos” - your messy desk, your table stacked with books, etc.
10 - Draw your hand or hands (or someone elses if you like)
11 - Draw your glasses or sunglasses
12 - Draw what you ate for dinner
13 - Draw your telephone (land line, cell, old-fashioned?)
14 - Draw what you see in the morning when you get up
15 - Draw a tree or trees, leaves or branches
16 - Draw a favorite tool
17 - Draw a musical instrument
18 - Draw the view from a window of your house, apartment, office, etc.
19 - Draw something you’ve made
20 - Draw something “Dad” - in honor of Fathers Day
21 - Draw something old, antique or vintage
22 - Draw a piece of clothing
23 - Draw your foot
24 - Draw a piece of fruit
25 - Draw a glass (the kind you drink from)
26 - Draw anything you like. If you want to draw a vegetable, that’s fine, too.
27 - Draw a book or anything else you want.
28 - Draw an appliance or anything else you like.
29 - Draw something architectural or anything else.
30 - Draw a chair or anything else you feel like.
31 - Draw something you collect
32 - Draw something metallic
33- Draw an eye
34 - Draw a fall leaf
35 - Draw a bicycle or a part of one
36 - Draw out in public
37 - Draw some keys
38 - Draw something related to Halloween, All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertos, All Saints, etc.
38 - month long challenge until end of November 2005 - draw at a museum
39 - Draw your toothbrush
40 - Draw something with folds
41 - Draw a landmark of your city
42 - Draw something you are thankful for
43 - Draw something china or ceramic
44 - Draw an animal - a pet, a zoo animal, a stuffed one …
45 - Draw your medicine cabinet (the inside of it)
46 - Draw something holiday themed (Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, winter solstice)
47 - Draw a challenge from the past year 1-46 that you didn’t try before
48 - Draw something that represents your new year’s goal or resolution
49 - Draw your refrigerator interior (and contents) or exterior (and what’s on the door)
50 - Draw your home’s entryway and journal your thoughts and feelings about “homecoming.”
51 - Draw your TV and favorite show playing. Journal about why you like that show etc.
52 - Draw a dog (yours or a friends or anyone’s) and journal about your dog relationships.
53 - Draw a mouth and journal about speaking out or holding one’s tongue …
54 - Draw someone or something you love - and journal about it.
55 - Draw a doorknob, plain or fancy
56 - Draw a self portrait
57 - Draw a picture frame and the picture in it. Write about why it’s special to you.
58 - Draw a hat, cap or other headgear. is it sentimental? Write about it.
59 - Draw a sign or spring (or fall if you live in the southern hemisphere.)
60 - Draw an automobile or a part of one
61 - Draw a grouping of 2 or more of similar objects
62 - Draw a previous challenge in a different medium than you usually use.
63 - Go on a nature walk, pick up items, draw what you find
64 - Draw your sink - at home, work or wherever
65 - Draw your nose, a friend’s or a strangers. Or a pet’s.
66 - Draw a fire hydrant and make a journal entry about fire fighters
67 - Draw something Mom - your mother, something that reminds you of motherhood. Journal, too.
68 - Draw your computer
69 - Draw a beverage and write a little about it.
70 - Draw what you’re afraid of. Write about it, if you dare.
71 - Draw something representing your favorite sport.
72 - Draw somewhere new. Go somewhere new to you and draw what you find. Write about it, too.
73 - Draw a mailbox and write about the most important piece of real world mail you’ve ever received(not email - snail mail.)
74 - Draw some clouds and write about them
75 - Draw the ingredients and/or process of a favorite recipe - and journal about it.
76 - Draw some flowers (or colorful showy foliage if you’re in the S. hemisphere and don’t find flowers in bloom.)
77 - Draw something cold or cool. Chill, people.
78 - Draw a souvenir of a place you’ve been. journal a bit about your memories of the place.
79 - Draw an ear, or two or three or more
80 - Draw something that makes you happy, and write about it, too.
81 - Draw a streetlight
82 - Draw your artspace - drawing board, desk, studio, table - draw where you create.
83 - Draw a nearby body of water - ocean, lake, pond, river
84 - Draw some bread and write about it if you like.
85 - Draw a store in your neighborhood.
86 - Draw a traffic sign (stop, yield, crossing, directional, arrows, etc.)
87 - Draw your lunch and journal about it.
88 - Draw something breezy - something that blows in the wind - a flag, leaves, your choice…89 - Draw a button or buttons
90 - Draw something with wings
91 - Draw an apple
92 - Draw a brown paper bag
93 - Draw an egg carton, with or without eggs in it.
94 - Draw a spoon and journal a little about it
95 - Draw a holiday card
96 - Draw something sweet
97 - Draw a present you have received. Why is it special?
98 - Free choice. Draw anything you like. We’re all busy before the holidays.
99 - Draw something that represents a new years resolution of yours
100 - Draw or paint a landscape
101 - Draw a bar of soap
102 - Draw a power plug
103 - Draw some exercise equipment - what you use to stay fit.
104 - Draw some salt and pepper shakers
105 - Draw some scissors
106 - Draw something tart or sour
107 - Draw how you get your news - at a newsstand, vending box or on your porch
108 - Draw a light bulb
109 - Draw a clock you have around your house
110 - Draw something with a flame or flames
111 - Draw a bowl
112 - Draw something fresh
113 - Draw or paint a fence
114 - Draw something ugly you love and keep for sentimental reasons. Journal about it, too.
115 - Draw a shopping cart or basket
116 - Draw something green
117 - Draw something round
118 - Draw some hair
119 - Draw some rocks
120 - Draw a flashlight
121 - Draw a coin or some coins and journal about memories about coins from your childhood.
122 - Draw something where shade is a prominent part of the subject
123 - Draw a bell
124 - Draw something yellow
125 - Draw a bird
126 - Draw a sponge
127 - Draw a skyscape